Suchetha Cooray

Astrophysicist at KIPAC, Stanford University
I study the physics of galaxy formation and evolution by making cosmological simulations match with observations. Using numerical simulation and machine learning techniques, I model how galaxy populations appear in observations, exploring a wide range of galaxy formation scenarios. This approach reveals insights into everything from the birth of young galaxies to the growth of massive galaxies and their dark matter halos. I am also broadly interested in all AI, machine learning, and statistical techniques.
Previously, I was a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. I earned my doctorate at Nagoya University, where I investigated how unsupervised machine learning techniques can deepen our understanding of galaxy evolution. During my masters, my research focused on solving inverse problems in astrophysics, particularly within the context of imaging surveys and Faraday tomography.
My CV is here.